Repeat a string for N times in Swift

To repeat a given string for specific number of times, say N, in Swift, use the string initialiser with repeating and count parameters.

For example, if str is the given string, and we would to repeat this string for N number of times, then use the following syntax.

String(repeating: str, count: N)

The above code snippet returns a new string created by repeating the string str for N times.



1. Repeat string “apple” for 5 times

In this example, we will take a string value in str, say "apple", and repeat this string for 5 times.


import Foundation

let str = "apple"
let N = 5
let resultStr = String(repeating: str, count: N)



Swift - Repeat a string N times

2. Repeat string “h” for 4 times

In this example, we will take a string value in str, say "h", and repeat this string for 4 times.


import Foundation

let str = "h"
let N = 4
let resultStr = String(repeating: str, count: N)



Repeat a character for N times in Swift


In this Swift Tutorial, we have seen how to repeat a given string for specific number of times using String initializer.