What is customer master record in SAP?

Definition – Both financial accounting module (SAP FI) and sales & distribution module (SAP SD) uses customer master record in SAP. The customer master database contains the information about the customers and this information is stored in  individual customer master records in SAP. For each customer we have to specify a number and maintain corresponding details of customer.

The data in customer master records enables to control how the transactions data is to be posted and processed for a customer. Master records are divided into the following areas.

  • General data
  • Company code data
  • Sales area data

During sales transactions, the SAP system automatically determines the details of customer from the customer master record.

How to create customer master data in SAP

Customer master data in SAP can be created using menu path or transaction code XD03.


SAP R/3 Role MenuCreate customer master record
Transaction CodeVD01, XD01
SAP menu pathSAP Menu => Logistics =>Sales & Distribution => Master data => Business partner => Customer => Create => VD01 – Sales and Distribution
  • Transaction code VD01 create general and sales & distribution views of customer master data. IF you create customer master data using tcode VD01, than it can only be used in SD
  • Transaction code XD01 creates general and centeral customer master views of the customer master data. It can be used in SD as well as in Finance.

Configuration Steps

Step 1: – Execute tcode “VD01” on SAP easy access screen.

customer master data tcode SAP

Step 2 : – The initial screen of customer create appears, update the following details.

Account group : – It controls view and fields, specify the customer account group key.

Customer : – You can keep this field as blank, so the system automatically generates the customer number on basis of customer number range interval.

Company Code : – Update the company code with which customer executes business transactions.

Sales Org : – Specify the sales organization code with which the customer executed the sales transactions.

Dist_Channel : – Specify the distribution channel code with which the customer executes the sales transactions.

Division : – Update the division code with which the customer executes the sales transactions.

initial screen create customer master data SAP

Note : – If you get an error as sales area is not defined for customers, define sales area with the combination of sales organization, distribution channel and division.

Step 3 : – On create customer: general data screen, update the following details.

Address : – Update customer title, name of customer, address details and communication details like mail id, telephone number, fax number, etc.

customer master record address details

Marketing : – Update the required details of customer like customer classification, industry type, etc.

SAP Customer master record marketing

Unloading Points : – Specifies the location at which the goods are to be unloaded for the customer.

create customer master data unloading

Step 4 : – Click on sales area data and update the following details.

Sales : – Under this sales area, update the required details of sales order, Price group, customer price procedure, customer hierarchy, etc.

customer sales area data SAP

Shipping : – Under shipping update delivery priority, shipping conditions, delivery plant, etc.

customer sales area data shipping SAP

After updating all the details for customer master data, click on save button and save the details. Now you get a successful message as

Customer Master Record created in SAP

Successfully we have created Customer Master Record in SAP.