In this tutorial, you shall learn about PHP array_fill_keys() function which can create an array with specified keys and a default value, with syntax and examples.

PHP arrayfillkeys Function

The PHP array_fill_keys() function returns an array with specified keys and specific default value for all keys.

Syntax of arrayfillkeys

The syntax of array_fill_keys() function is

array_fill_keys( keys, value)


Parameter Description
keys [mandatory] An array of keys.
value [mandatory] Default value for the keys.

Function Return Value

array_fill_keys() returns the an array filled with keys and default value for each of the keys.


1 Fill array with specified keys and default value

In this example, we will take an array of keys, and a value. We will call array_fill_keys() function, pass the keys and value to it as arguments. The function returns an array with the specified keys and value.

PHP Program

    $keys = array("apple","banana");
    $value = 100;
    $result = array_fill_keys($keys, $value);


2 Warning arrayfillkeys expects exactly 2 parameters

In this example, we will take an array of keys. We will call array_fill_keys() function, pass only the keys and no value to it as arguments. The function raises a warning that the function array_fill_keys() expects exactly 2 parameters.

PHP Program

    $keys = array("apple","banana");
    $result = array_fill_keys($keys);



In this PHP Tutorial, we learned how to fill an array with specific keys and a default value for them, using PHP Array array_fill_keys() function.