In this tutorial, you shall learn what conditional statements are in PHP, different conditional statements available in PHP, tutorials for each of the conditional statements, and related tutorials.

PHP Conditional Statements

In PHP, conditional statements are those where the execution of a block of code depends on the result of a condition or an expression.

The condition or expression will be used in the syntax of these conditional statements.

Conditional Statement Tutorials

The following are available conditional statements in PHP.

  • PHP – If PHP Tutorial with the syntax for If statement, and examples on how to use it in a program.
  • PHP – If Else PHP Tutorial with the syntax of If-Else statement, and examples using If-Else statement to understand the usage.
  • PHP – ElseIf PHP Tutorial with the syntax of If ElseIf Else statement, a ladder of if-else statements, and examples using If Else-If statement.
  • PHP – Switch PHP Tutorial with the syntax of Switch statement, and examples using Switch statement.

If Statement Tutorials

The following tutorials cover how to use different logical operators in the condition of If-statement.

  • Python If AND PHP Tutorial on how to write compound condition in an If statement using AND logical operator.
  • Python If OR PHP Tutorial on how to write compound condition in an If statement using OR logical operator.
  • Python If NOT PHP Tutorial on how to write condition in an If statement using NOT logical operator.