In this PHP tutorial, you shall learn about the Integer datatype, the representation of integer in different formats, and how to use integer values in PHP programs, with the help of examples.

PHP Integer

PHP Integer values can be an integer number in the range of {PHP_INT_MIN, …, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, …, PHP_INT_MAX}.

The size of an integer is platform dependent. You can get the minimum and maximum integer values using the constants PHP_INT_MIN and PHP_INT_MAX.

Integer Formats

In PHP, Integers can be represented in the following formats.

  • Decimal
  • Octal
  • Hexadecimal
  • Binary

Integer in decimal format

Decimal format of integer should always start with a digit in the range [1, 9] followed by the digits in range [0, 9]. There is an exception that the complete number can be zero.

$a = 25;
$b = 0;

Integer in octal format

Octal format of an integer should start with 0 followed by the octal number.

$a = 031;

Integer in hexadecimal format

Hexadecimal format of an integer should start with either 0x or 0X followed by the hexadecimal number.

$a = 0x19;
$b = 0X19;

Integer in binary format

Binary format of an integer should start with either 0b or 0B followed by the binary number in ones and zeros.

$a = 0b00011001;

PHP_INT_MIN and PHP_INT_MAX constants

As the minimum and maximum values of an integer change with platform you are working on, you can programmatically get these values using the constants PHP_INT_MIN and PHP_INT_MAX.

PHP Program

$min = PHP_INT_MIN;
$max = PHP_INT_MAX;
echo($min. '<br>');
echo($max. '<br>');


PHP Integer - Minimum and Maximum Values


In this PHP Tutorial, we learned about Integers in PHP, different formats in which Integers can be represented, minimum and maximum values of an Integer.