In this tutorial, you shall learn about PHP array_change_key_case() function which can change the case of all keys in an array, with syntax and examples.

PHP arrayvalues Function

The PHP array_values() function returns an indexed array with all the values from given array.

In this tutorial, we will learn the syntax of array_values() and how to use it to get values from associative arrays and indexed arrays.

Syntax of arrayvalues

The syntax of array_values() function is

array_values( array )


Parameter Description
array [mandatory] The array from which values has to be extracted.

Function Return Value

array_values() returns an indexed array containing all the values of array given as argument to it.


1 Get values fromm an Array

In this example, we will take an array with two key-value pairs. We will get the values alone form this array using array_values() function.

PHP Program

$array1 = array("a"=>"apple", "b"=>"banana");
$values = array_values($array1);
echo "<br>Values array is: <br>";


Please note that the returned array is an indexed array with index starting from 0.

2 Get Values from an Indexed Array

In this example, we will take an indexed array with two items. We will get the values alone form this array using array_values() function. The index is dropped and the values alone are picked.

PHP Program

$array1 = array(7=>"apple", "banana");
$values = array_values($array1);
echo "<br>Values array is: <br>";


3 Get Values from an Array with Default Index

If you provide an array with default index, then the result of array_values() function is also same as the of the given input array.

PHP Program

$array1 = array("apple", "banana");
$values = array_values($array1);
echo "<br>Values array is: <br>";



In this PHP Tutorial, we learned how to get all values in an array, using PHP Array array_values() function.