In this tutorial, you shall learn how to define a catch block in a try-catch statement in PHP to catch multiple exceptions in a single catch block, with the help of example programs.

PHP Catch multiple exceptions in a single catch block

In PHP try catch statement, we can define a catch block to handle more than one exception type.


The syntax of try catch statement with a single catch block handling multiple exception types is

try {
} catch (Exception1 | Exception2 | Exception3 $e) {

Replace Exception1, Exception2, Exception3, .., with the type of exceptions that the try block can throw.

Please note that the exceptions or separated by Logical OR | operator.


In the following example, we have some code in try block that throws user defined Exceptions: NumberTooLargeException or NumberTooSmallException based on the value of $x. We write a single catch block that can catch these two different exceptions.

PHP Program

  class NumberTooLargeException extends Exception { }
  class NumberTooSmallException extends Exception { }

  try {
    $x = 2;

    if ($x < 10) {
      throw new NumberTooSmallException("The given number is too small.");
    } elseif ($x > 90) {
      throw new NumberTooLargeException("The given number is too large.");
    } else {
      echo "x is within the desired range.";
  } catch (NumberTooLargeException | NumberTooSmallException $e) {
    //handle exception
    echo $e->getMessage();
    echo "<br>Number not in desired range.";



In this PHP Tutorial, we learned how to write a single catch block that can handle multiple exception types in a try-catch statement.