In this tutorial, you shall learn how to read or get the exception message in PHP using getMessage() method, with the help of example programs.

PHP Get Exception Message

In PHP, we can access the exception message from the exception object by calling getMessage() method on the exception object.


If e is the exception object, then the syntax to get the exception message from this object is



In the following program, we have a division operation where the denominator is zero. We enclose this code in a try-catch statement.

The code in try-block throws DivisionByZeroError, we catch the same in the catch-block, and echo the message present in the exception object.

PHP Program

  try {
    $a = 10;
    $b = 0;
    $c = $a / $b;
    echo $c;
  } catch (DivisionByZeroError $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();




In this PHP Tutorial, we learned how to get the exception message from the exception object.