Uncaught Error Cannot access protected property

This error occurs when the property in a class is defined as protected, but accessed outside the class.

For example take the following program, where we have a class Person with protected property $fullname. protected means the visibility of this property is only within the class. If we try to access this property outside the class, then this fatal error is thrown.

PHP Program

  class Person {
    protected string $fullname;
    protected int $age;

    public function __construct(string $fullname = null, int $age = null) {
      $this->fullname = $fullname;
      $this->age = $age;

    public function printDetails() {
      echo "Name : " . $this->fullname . "<br>Age : " . $this->age;
  //create object of type Person with arguments passed for constructor
  $person1 = new Person("Mike Turner", 24);

  //try to access protected property of class
  echo $person1->fullname;

Output – xampp/logs/php_error_log

[28-Feb-2023 15:33:53 Europe/Berlin] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Cannot access protected property Person::$fullname in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/tutorialkart.php:20
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
  thrown in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/tutorialkart.php on line 20


If we would like to get the value of a property, we can define a getter method in the class to return the value of this property, or else define the property as public.

Solution 1 Define a getter method to access the property

We shall define a getter method getFullname() in the Person class that returns the value of the property $fullname.

PHP Program

  class Person {
    protected string $fullname;
    protected int $age;

    public function __construct(string $fullname = null, int $age = null) {
      $this->fullname = $fullname;
      $this->age = $age;

    public function getFullname() {
      return $this->fullname;

    public function printDetails() {
      echo "Name : " . $this->fullname . "<br>Age : " . $this->age;
  //create object of type Person with arguments passed for constructor
  $person1 = new Person("Abc Defg", 24);

  //try to access protected property of class
  echo $person1->getFullname();


Solution 2 Make the property public

If we can make the property $fullname as public, then we can access the property outside the class as well.

PHP Program

  class Person {
    public string $fullname;
    protected int $age;

    public function __construct(string $fullname = null, int $age = null) {
      $this->fullname = $fullname;
      $this->age = $age;

    public function printDetails() {
      echo "Name : " . $this->fullname . "<br>Age : " . $this->age;
  //create object of type Person with arguments passed for constructor
  $person1 = new Person("Abc Defg", 24);

  //try to access protected property of class
  echo $person1->fullname;



In this PHP Tutorial, we learned how to solve a PHP fatal error Uncaught Error: Cannot access protected property with two possible solutions.